What are you up to this week?
We are getting ready for Thanksgiving. If you’re not sure what to talk about at dinner, here are some recipe ideas. Also, I wanted to say, I’m endlessly thankful for this wonderful, witty, smart, incredible community of people, and I love you all so much.
Thank you for being here, whether you’ve been a long-time reader or you’re just stopping by.
Every year, we find ourselves on a roller coaster, from September to December, filled with holidays and family gatherings, milestones, and getting ourselves back into a routine after a fun-filled summer.
We send our kids off to school and literally hold on for dear life as the craziness commences! Pretty soon the holiday season is upon us and while it may be tempting at the beginning of November to start thinking about decorating the tree, maybe this year consider putting that on hold for a couple weeks and sending out a few Thanksgiving cards.
In our modern age, it's easy to skip past Thanksgiving straight to the main event, but it's actually the perfect time to reflect upon the past year and consider what and who you are grateful for.
This year, along with sharing with everyone around the dinner table, use some of the greetings here to send to the friends, family members, and co-workers who mean the most to you. Especially those family members who are far away or who can't make it to your Thanksgiving Table this year, it will mean so much to get a tangible reminder of your love and gratitude for them.
May you celebrate the Thanksgiving day with love in your heart, prosperous vision in your mind, and gratitude in your being. Thanksgiving wishes to everyone!