Braided Sweet Challah Bread Recipe (Video)
How to prepare this recipe
The thick, sweet egg bread called Braided Sweet Challah Bread that we joyfully tear apart after the Shabbat blessing or dip in egg and fry for French toast did not begin as challah.
Challah was known as the portion of bread given to the Kohen in the Bible (priest). Throwing a portion of dough into the fire was part of this weekly tradition, which was typically carried out by women who were in charge of baking the bread.

Braided Sweet Challah Bread Recipe (Video)
Prep time | Cook Time | Rest Time | Total Time |
60 min | 40 min | 10 min | 110 min |
The 12 “humps” that are formed by the braided strands in the most popular challah shape are thought to reflect the 12 ceremonial loaves (shewbread) that were stored in the Temple in Jerusalem for the 12 tribes of Israel.
Challah was a plain, straightforward bread in the Middle Ages. In the 15th century Austria and Southern Germany, Jewish housewives followed the example of their non-Jewish counterparts and began braiding the loaves they cooked on Sundays, according to Maggie Glezer, author of A Blessing of Bread.
Make the dough for Braided Sweet Challah Bread
Add 2 tablespoon icing sugar to the lukewarm milk, and the yeast.
Set aside for 10 to 15 minutes, allowing the yeast to activate.When the yeast is activated, can be made the dough.
Place the flour, salt, eggs, milk with yeast, sugar in a bowl.Knead until the wall of the bowl is clean.
When the dough is knead well, add the melted butter. Incorporate well.Cover, and set aside, let the dough rise for for 35 minutes.
After 35 minutes divide the dough in 4 equal parts.
First version, if you have a braided mould, will be easy. Place the dough in to the mould.Version 2.
Divide one of the quarter dough to 6 equal parts.
Start rolling them into ropes, and repeat with all 6 parts.
Braid the sweat bread as I do in the video.Will need 2 egg wash.
First now, the second after 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, sprinkle the top with sesame seeds, or your favourite seeds.Bake in 180 °C (356 °F) preheated oven for 40 minutes.
Enjoy! Good Appetite!