Crepes With Strawberry Sauce (Video)
How to prepare this recipe

Crepes With Strawberry Sauce (Video)
Prep time | Cook Time | Rest Time | Total Time |
20 min | 20 min | 30 min | 70 min |
Warm crepes with juicy and fruity strawberry sauce drizzled on top or inside folded crepes. A delicious and satisfying breakfast that is easy to get you out of the bed. Or Dessert.
Making crepe batter is so easy and quick.
All you need is a blender and a skillet and you’ll have perfectly golden crepes in just 15 minutes. Follow the simple steps to get started.
Crepes batter
Strawberry Sauce
First make the batter.
Combine all ingredients in a blender and mix until batter is smooth, about 15-20 seconds.
Let it rest around 30 minutes before frying.Spray a frying pan with non-stick spray.
Pour 1/4 cup batter into the pan and cook over medium-low heat. Turn pan immediately from side to side to form an even circle. Cook for about 1 minute per side, or until crepes are lightly browned.
Remove from heat and stack until ready to serve.Making the sauce.
This is quite easy to make. Place all the ingredients in a blender, and blend it around one minute. You will have a incredible tasty strawberry sauce.
Fill or top the crepe with strawberry sauce and add any extra toppings if preferred, for example melted chocolate.
Good Appetite!