Green Smoothie Recipe (Video) Jump to video Jump to recipe

Green Smoothie Recipe (Video)

This is a smart way to sneak more spinach into your diet, because this is a creamy, sweet, green, tasty smoothie.

How to prepare this recipe


Green Smoothie Recipe (Video)

Cooking method: Other
Cuisine: Other
Difficulty: beginner
Prep timeCook TimeRest TimeTotal Time
5 min - 5 min
Servings: 1 person
Calories: 410kcal
Best season: all

A healthy breakfast or snack. There’s no added sugar in this. Yes, it’s all natural.



  1. This is a very easy to make and few ingredients recipe. But is a boost for every morning.

  2. Put all the ingredients in a processor and blend until smooth. Pour in a glass, and you are ready to go đŸ™‚

    Good Appetite!